The Property Insurance Policy
Your home is probably your largest single financial investment. Therefore you should make certain that the buildings and contents are properly insured. The Malliouhana-Anico Insurance Home Policy has been designed to give you the choice of cover that you require.
As with all insurance policies, certain conditions apply. If you wish to examine the cover in more detail, a specimen policy is available free on request
What are the main risks insured
- Buildings and Contents
- Fire, Lightning, and Explosion
- Hurricane
- Earthquake
- Burglary
- Storm and Flood
- Escape of Water
- Vandalism and Malicious damage
- Riot and Strikes,
- Impact by vehicles, aircraft, or animals
- Theft accompanied by actual forcible entry
- Subsidence or Land slip
- Property owner’s liability
- Accident to servants and damage to their goods
- Liability to the public
Additional Covers
For a small additional premium you can extend your Home/Contents Policy cover to include any of the following optional extras:
- Family Public Liability
- Breakage of mirrors whilst in building
- Alternative Accommodation
- Personal Accident
- Loss of Rent
- Accidental Damage
- Full Theft Cover
- Jewelry
- Loss or damage to Radios, Stereo Sets, TV Sets, Tape recorders, and computers
Do it yourself cover
There are a number of options available which will help you determine your final premium. In this respect, call to arrange an appointment with any of our representatives for more details. How Much Should You Insure For? Your building and its contents must be insured for their full value. If the sums insured are too low, you may not receive a full claim payment in the event of a loss. You should ensure your home for
a) The full amount that it would cost to rebuild it if it were entirely destroyed
b) An extra amount (usually 15%) to cover the cost of demolishing the damaged property, clearing the site, and architects, “surveyors’ and other professional fees please note that the market value of your home(i.e. the amount you could sell it for) usually bears little relationship to its rebuilding cost. Your Buildings and Contents sum insured should also include a provision for any local taxes where applicable

Why is the Malliouhana-Anico’s home policy the best value for money?
- Attractive optional extras
- Designed in Anguilla to meet the needs of today’s Anguillian consumer
- Attracts discounts on your Motor Policy if insured with MAICO
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